Astro and HyperX are two companies that compete to provide effective and affordable gaming headsets. The Astro Gaming A10 and the HyperX Cloud Alpha S are great examples of their efforts. When choosing between these popular gaming headphones, what usually influences the purchaser’s decision is the major price difference between the two. Do the Cloud Alpha S offer additional functionality and sound quality? And if so, are they really worth the bigger price tag compared to the A10? The A10 have proven that despite rival headphones costing more, they can outperform them in many important areas. It’s time to find out if they can do it again against the Hyper X Cloud Alpha S.

Technical Specifications

Packaging and Accessories

Both headphones use plastic and cardboard as their primary packaging materials, so it is interesting to see which pair does it better.

Astro Gaming A10

In the box:

A10 gaming headset A10 volume cable 3.5mm female to dual 3.5mm TRS splitter cable

The A10 give a passable effort for their packaging. The headset is snug in place with a plastic mold but little protection and plenty of open space. The minimal accessories and additional wiring are nestled between the headset. This gives me a merely average impression. I don’t feel the package is bad, but they definitely could have put more effort in to get me excited about the product I am opening.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

In the box:

HyperX Cloud Alpha S Detachable microphone Detachable 3.5mm cable USB audio control mixer Additional cloth ear cushions Travel bag

At first glance, it is obvious that the Cloud Alpha S have better plastic packaging than the A10. The packaging fills the entire space of the box and creates a deep mold for the headset to sit in. It’s also transparent, allowing me to see the accessories below, which piques my interest and makes me feel like I am getting more than what I purchased. The Cloud Alpha S comes with additional cloth ear cushions and even a travel bag. This shows that HyperX cares about the customer’s first impressions and experiences.

Packaging and Accessories Verdict

Despite both headphones using similar packaging, it’s evident the Cloud Alpha S do it better. The plastic mold left no open space and intrigues me to look at the accessories. Rather than intriguing me, the A10 turns me away. The Cloud Alpha S also have a travel bag and additional cloth ear padding for included accessories, which need to be purchased separately for the A10. I get excited about opening the Cloud Alpha S packaging and feel like I am getting bonus accessories, giving it the win.

Design and Functionality

Astro Gaming A10

The A10 design doesn’t get me excited. The grey and orange color combo isn’t my preferred choice, but there are other color variations such as white/blue and red/black which are more appealing. The headset looks very bulky because of the boxy earcups and gives me the impression they will sit awkwardly on my head. As far as functionality goes, the A10 have an in-line volume dial on the 3.5mm cord and the mic is flip to mute. That’s it for features.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

The Cloud Alpha S went with a black and blue color combo, which the A10s also offer. For both headphones, this color combination is attractive and professional. The ear cups are connected to the headset by a metal yolk, which makes the ear cups look a bit bulky, but isn’t entirely unattractive. I also know it will pay huge dividends in the build quality section. To get the boring stuff out of the way first, the mic and audio cable are both removable. Also attached to the cable is the USB audio control mixer. This activates 7.1 surround sound and lets you mute the mic, adjust volume, and even chat volume. What is also cool is at the back of the earcups are bass adjustment sliders that let you quickly and conveniently adjust the bass levels.

Design and Functionality Verdict

I much prefer the color combo of the Cloud Alpha S, with its clean blue stitching on the leather. The black also comes across as sharper than the base grey color of the A10. With that said, the A10 do offer a number of color options, including a couple that use white as the primary color, that are much more enticing than this grey version. Despite the earcups looking a bit bulky on both headphones, the Cloud Alpha S oval ear cups are more appealing. With functionality included in the mix, the HyperX Cloud Alpha S easily take the win. To be fair, the A10 don’t have much additional functionality, so the bar isn’t set very high. Regardless, the Cloud Alpha S easily surpasses the A10 with their unique functionality features that I haven’t seen on any other headset.


Astro Gaming A10

The A10s are very comfortable. Their lightweight build makes them barely noticeable on my head, yet maintains a solid fit that doesn’t move. The squared-off ear cups are soft, fit my whole ear, and never get too humid.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

The Cloud Alpha S give me an equal if not better comfort experience than the A10. Their lightweight build makes them barely noticeable and I don’t get any aches during long gaming sessions. The leatherette ear cups make a solid seal around my ear and have proper airflow. The alternate cloth ear padding is also plush and has even better airflow than the leatherette padding. Both are impressive, however, my preference is the leatherette since it doesn’t scratch my beard.

Comfort Verdict

Both headphones have an equally high level of comfort. Both are barely noticeable on my head, don’t cause me aches, and provide a great wearing experience. So, in this regard, they are a tie. However, the Cloud Alpha S have the option to swap between cloth and leatherette padding, giving them the edge.

Build Quality

Astro Gaming A10

The A10 is almost entirely made of plastic. The seem fairly durable, but not among the best I’ve seen. The plastic makes adjusting the headband difficult and it requires some muscle to do so. Additionally, the removable cable needs to be forced to be plugged in.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

The Cloud Alpha S only sports plastic on the outside of the earcups, and at each basepoint of the headband. The headband is covered with leatherette and the aluminum yolks that connect the headband to the ear cups are very strong.

Build Quality Verdict

I hate to see the A10 constructed with only plastic. It may be fairly durable, but it doesn’t make me confident in their build quality. The Cloud Alpha S also use plastic, but less of it and it feels stronger and of better quality than the plastic used in the construction of the A10.

Mic Quality

Astro Gaming A10

The A10 mic has a great sound delivery. My voice is loud and clear and it doesn’t cut out or muffle. However, they do have an issue with combating background noise. The A10 mic easily picks up environmental noise, which creates a constant background muffle. However, even with this issue, my voice still comes through reasonably clearly.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

The HyperX show great execution up until their microphone. It is generally too quiet and cuts out from time to time. My friends can’t hear me when in-game sounds are active and occasionally have to let me know that my mic cut out and I need to re-plug it in. It is clear from the recordings that the mic can’t block out background noise, and instead results in a really unpleasant sound.

Mic Quality Verdict

The Cloud Alpha S mic barely performs at a usable level and can’t block out background noise. The A10 have great mic quality and still gets my voice through clear even with background noise.


Astro Gaming A10

There isn’t much to the A10 connectivity. The removable cable is 2m long with a 3.5mm connecter at each end that makes the headset compatible with all devices. Additionally, there is a splitter cable for separate mic and audio ports for PC.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

The Cloud Alpha S is compatible with all devices via the 1m long audio cable. The 3.5mm audio jack connects to the USB audio control mixer which enables much of their functionality. The audio control mixer connects to a USB-A port and is compatible with PC, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles.

Connectivity Verdict

Both headphones are compatible with all devices using a 3.5mm audio jack, essentially making them a tie for connectivity. However, the Cloud Alpha S far more functionality features that are enabled by the included USB audio control mixer, giving it the edge.

Sound Quality

Comparing sound quality on PC

Astro Gaming A10

Although only stereo and not surround sound, the A10s have solid sound delivery on all levels. Playing Vampire the Masquerade: BloodHunt, I can confidently rely on directional sound cues, such as footsteps from someone on another rooftop to my left or right. However, the mids and highs of shots or sounds in the distance aren’t always clear, as the lows can take over. This isn’t an issue with close-quarters combat and the A10 give me an immersive sound with detailed audio cues.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

The Cloud Alpha S provides an equal sound experience, however, delivery is sharper. The surround sound is louder and more distinct in telling where exactly sounds are coming from. Additionally, lowering the bass adjustment sliders makes distant sounds clearer by putting more focus on the mids and highs.

Comparing sound quality on console

Astro Gaming A10

I have a very similar experience with the A10s on console and PC. Directional cues are clearly picked up, and the lows only take over the mids and highs from sounds in the distance. I can rely on them in the heat of the action and am impressed with their level of delivery for their low price.

HyperX Cloud Alpha S

My experience with the Cloud Alpha S is also similar on console and PC. With the 7.1 surround sound activated via the audio control mixer I hear the same crystal clear delivery I get on PC. Again, the bass adjustment sliders come in handy for lowering the sound of grenades and explosions, which makes the mids and highs crystal clear.

Sound Quality Verdict

It’s a tight battle for sound quality. Both headphones prove that you can rely on their directional audio, and they provide an immersive experience. The Cloud Alpha S are a bit sharper and more distinct in delivering sounds as their mids and highs stand out and can be made even clearer with the bass adjustment sliders.

Overall Winner

Winner of each section

Packaging and Accessories: HyperX Cloud Alpha S Design and Functionality: HyperX Cloud Alpha S Comfort: HyperX Cloud Alpha S Build Quality: HyperX Cloud Alpha S Mic Quality: Astro Gaming A10 Connectivity: HyperX Cloud Alpha S Sound Quality: HyperX Cloud Alpha S


The Cloud Alpha S prove that sometimes when you pay more, you get more. The packaging is professional and carefully handed, the build quality is more durable than the A10, and the functionality is the best I’ve seen from a gaming headset. The A10 are only able to beat out the Cloud Alpha S in mic quality, which has surprisingly poor performance. Despite the Cloud Alpha S bad mic quality, with all other areas considered, they are the clear winner.

Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 94Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 13Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 27Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 75Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 5Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 34Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 40Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 47Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 91Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 23Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 30Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 64Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 29Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 7Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 37Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 4Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 24Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 96Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 16Gaming Review  Astro Gaming A10 vs HyperX Cloud Alpha S - 68